World News

Non-Toxic Vitamin C Inhibits Formation of New Blood Vessel Growth to Tumors

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Bio-Communications Research Institute's (BCRI's) recent research study has found that high levels of vitamin C (ascorbate) inhibit the formation of new blood vessel growth to tumors.
To grow, tumors rely on a high level of nutrients to flow to the tumor site. This nutrient flow is critical to tumor growth and is facilitated in the host body by the growth of new blood vessels. The new blood vessel growth process is known as angiogenesis. In tumor angiogenesis, the blood vessels grow to support the growth of the tumor. This groundbreaking BCRI study has shown that angiogenesis or the proliferation of new blood vessels, in support of tumor growth, is retarded when high levels of vitamin C are present in the blood. High levels of vitamin C saturation necessary for angiogenesis to occur are obtainable with the intravenous infusion of vitamin C (ascorbate).
In the study published in the February 2010 issue of Journal of Angiogenesis Research, two assays were used to evaluate the effect of high-doses of vitamin C on the inhibition of new blood vessel growth. One was ex vivo and one in vivo and both illustrated the inhibition characteristics vitamin C has on new tumor blood vessel growth. The in vivo assay treated with vitamin C indicated 30% less blood vessel growth than untreated tissue.
This current study meshes well with other pioneering research that has been the hallmark of BCRI's history. In a previous study (Sept, 2005) BCRI researchers found that intravenous infusions of vitamin C were selectively toxic to tumor cells.
For years, researchers at BCRI have been recognized nationally and internationally for great strides in natural treatments, vitamin C research, and stem cell research.
BCRI's long history in research is presently headed by Dr. Neil H. Riordan. The research team includes Dr. Xiaolong Meng, Dr. Joseph Casciari, Dr. Nina Mikirova, Dr. Jie Zhong, Andrea Rogers B.S., Dr. James A. Jackson, Dr. Don Davis, Dr. Jorge Miranda, Dr. Michael Gonzalez, and Paul Taylor B.S./B.A.
BCRI is a division of The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International (CIHFI) -- CIHFI, a 501 (c) 3 foundation, was founded 35 years ago by Hugh D. Riordan, M.D. The foundation is comprised of four major divisions: the Olive W. Garvey Center for Healing Arts, the Bio-Center Laboratory, the Bio-Communications Research Institute, and the Bio-Medical Synergistics Education Institute. The medical doctors at CIHFI have seen patients from all 50 states and from 48 foreign countries.
The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning International

3100 North Hillside Avenue

Wichita, KS 67219



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