World News

Ririn Ekawati Trauma Sama Anak Pejabat

Monday, May 30, 2011

Ririn Ekawati Trauma Sama Anak Pejabat
Ririn Ekawati Foto: Acat

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011 13:23 - Kandasnya rumah tangga Ririn Ekawati dengan Edwin Abeng, membuatnya tak ingin kepikiran untuk menikah kembali. Meski dia masih betah untuk berdua bersama anaknya, namun dia membantah jika trauma untuk memulai rumah tangga baru kembali."Belum kepikiran, trauma sih enggak. Sekarang fokus ke kerjaan dan anak. Cari laki-laki yang tulus dan mau menerima aku apa adanya dengan anak, itu agak susah. Kalau memang nikah, ya dengan pria yang tepat. Kalau untuk cari kayaknya enggak deh," ujarnya saat dijumpai di Rusun Harun , Tebet, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (4/5).
Ririn menambahkan bahwa dia tak ada target untuk segera menikah kembali,. Menurutnya perjalanan hidup tak ada yang diduga, seperti yang dijalaninya. Bagi Ririn dia mencoba menikmati serta mensyukuri.
"Aku enggak ada target, aku gak sangka jadi pemain film, menikah dan untuk jadi janda. Jadi aku jalani, syukurin dan aku nikmatin jadi gak ada target kapan nikah, punya anak lagi. Kalau pas waktunya gak berhasil bisa sakit hati," terang Ririn yang pernah diajak nikah oleh pacarnya selepas 2 tahun perceraian.
"Pernah ada, jadi Aku cerai hampir empat tahun yang lalu. Setelah satu tahun perceraian aku baru berani buka hati dan Dua tahun lalu, ada yang pernah mengajakku menikah tapi baru sekedar sayang aja gak lebih, sampai satu titik pacarku itu ngajakin nikah tapi aku bilang belum bisa. Aku bilang gitu aja akhirnya putus juga, apalagi kalau aku terima ajakan nikahnya nanti yang ada cerai lagi," jelasnya.
Meski tak trauma untuk menikah lagi, namun Ririn mengaku masih trauma untuk memilih calon suami dari kalangan pejabat. Untuk jodohnya Ririn hanya ingin suami dari kalangan biasa yang bertanggung jawab.
"Trauma sama anak pejabat.hehehe... Kayaknya gak usah deh, mendingan dari orang biasa-biasa aja yang bisa bertanggung jawab dan bahagiakan aku. Soalnya aku mau hidup normal karena jujur aku sudah pernah melewati jadi 'seseorang' dan itu tidak menjanjikan kebahagian apa-apa
READ MORE - Ririn Ekawati Trauma Sama Anak Pejabat

7 INCREDIBLE advantages of "Water-Powered Car" technology to YOU!!

7 INCREDIBLE advantages of "Water-Powered Car" technology to YOU!!!!

Article Summary: No doubts about it, it's now possible to power your car on water as well as gas, instead of 100 gas. Apart from the many advantages that this technology have on the planet, it also has many widespread advantages to many individuals around the world, including YOU.

Below are 7 of these incredible advantages of the water for gas to YOU:

1- Improves your gas mileage by up to 35%. This includes both city and highway driving conditions. Imagine how much money this would save you at the end of the month and at the end of the year. It is estimated that this could save you as much as $897.40 per year. If you are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly savings will multiply to $44,870. More if you have more drivers.

2- Eliminates harmful exhaust emission that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming. Your engine will ADD oxygen to the environment instead of polluting it. How about doing something good to help the environment for a change?

3- Greatly enhance engine power and performance. The more gas you use on your car, the more the engine gets battered- thus reducing the performance. But by using water as an alternative, this enhances your engine power instead and improves performance.

4- Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

5- Reduce the operating temperature of the engine and waste heat into the environment.

6- You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine operation and smoother gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

7- Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially the pistons, rings and valves.

These are just some of the many advantages of water for gas technology to YOU. Remember, even YOU can build the device needed to make this technology work for YOU, from the comfort of your home.

About the author

To learn more about water for gas technology and how you too can build your own water for gas powered car, visit for all the SECRETS of Water Car Technology

READ MORE - 7 INCREDIBLE advantages of "Water-Powered Car" technology to YOU!!

A must-know about computer and internet glossary

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Computer-related things tend to have a language all their own. While you do not need to know all of it, there are many confusing words and phrases that you are going to come across sooner or later.

Bandwidth. Bandwidth is the amount of data that your website can send each second, as well as the amount of data that the visitor to your website can receive. If either one does not have enough bandwidth, then the website will appear slowly.

For this reason, you should choose a host with plenty of bandwidth, as well as testing that your site doesn't take too long to download on slow connections.

Browser. A browser is the software (see below) that visitors to your site use to view it. The most popular browser is Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which comes with Windows.

Cookie. Cookies are data files that your site can save on the computer of someone who visits that site, to allow it to remember who they are if they return.

FTP. File Transfer Protocol. This is a common method of uploading (see below) files to your website.
Javascript. A common language for writing 'scripts' on websites, which are small programs that make the site more interactive. Another common cause of problems for visitors.

JPEG. Joint Photographic Experts Group. This is the name of the most popular format for pictures on the web, named after the group that came up with it. If you want to put pictures on your website, you should save them as JPEGs.

Hardware. Hardware is computer equipment that physically exists. It is the opposite of software.
Hosting. If you've got a website out there on the Internet, then you'll be paying someone for hosting. It is the service of making your site available for people to see.

HTML. HyperText Markup Language. A kind of code used to indicate how web pages should be displayed, using a system of small 'tags'. The 'b' tag, for example, causes text to appear in bold, and the 'img' tag displays a picture.

Hyperlink. A hyperlink is when a piece of text on a website can be clicked to take you to another site, or another page on the same site. For example, if clicking your email address on your website allows someone to email you, then your email address is a hyperlink.

Programming. This is when the computer is given instructions to tell it what to do, using one of many 'programming languages'. Programming languages for the web include PHP and Perl.

Server. The server is where your website is stored, and it is the server that people are connecting to when they visit the site. Note that server refers both to the hardware and software of this system.

Software. Programs that run on the computer, or that make your website work. Microsoft Word is software, for example, as is Apache (the most popular web server software). Opposite of hardware.

Spider. Do not be scared if a spider visits your website! Spiders are simply programs used by search engines to scan your site and help them decide where it should appear when people search. It is good to be visited by spiders, as it means you should start appearing in search engines soon.

Upload. Uploading is when you transfer data from your own computer to your website. For example, you might upload your logo, or an article you've written. Opposite of download.

URL. Uniform Resource Locator. This is just a short way of saying 'web address', meaning what you have to type in to get to your website.
READ MORE - A must-know about computer and internet glossary

Mendesak, Gisel Idol Korbankan Kuliah

Mendesak, Gisel Idol Korbankan Kuliah - Lama tak terdengar namanya, Gisella Anastasia atau dikenal Gisel Idol kembali ke dunia entertainment. Alumnus Indonesia Idol 2008 ini juga dinobatkan menjadi brand ambassador produk cat rambut K Pop Color dari Johnny Andrean.Dalam kesehariannya Gisel mengungkapkan selain sibuk kuliah dia juga tetap menyanyi secara off air. Penyanyi asal Surabaya ini sengaja membatasi pekerjaannya, meski terkadang dia mengorbankan kuliahnya apabila mendesak.
"Selama masih ada manajemen, paling kuliah sedikit dikorbankan. Tapi itu kadang-kadang. Jadi diusahakan seimbang," ujarnya saat ditemui Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, Selasa (3/5).
Finalis Indonesia Idol 2008 ini juga sempat berakting di sebuah FTV. Namun dia tak meneruskannya dan lebih menekuni tarik suara.
"Basicly enak nyanyi, mungkin karena cepat ya. Namun kalau akting ternyata capek banget. Bisa berhari-hari, dari pagi ketemu pagi," paparnya
Meski hanya sebentar, namun Gisel sempat merasakan serunya berakting. Dia juga bisa mencuri ilmu dari senior untuk diterapkannya.
"Beda-beda sih serunya. Kebetulan di akting juga saya baru, jadi saya banyak menemukan hal yang baru juga. Pun ketemu yang senior, bisa curi ilmu dari mereka," tukasnya.
READ MORE - Mendesak, Gisel Idol Korbankan Kuliah

A Moving Experience

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I’ve found a cool apartment! Okay, okay…so it’s not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well, I can’t afford a more expensive place, so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid?”

I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief!

While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal?

Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV!

Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box.

Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure?

Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so…

Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD!

Uhhh, Mom?

READ MORE - A Moving Experience

Robert Pattinson, Gelandangan Kaya Raya

Robert Pattinson, Gelandangan Kaya Raya
Robert Pattinson @

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011 13:29 - Muda, ganteng, terkenal, kaya raya. Sepertinya hidup Robert Pattinson memang sempurna, tapi siapa sangka kalau bintang TWILIGHT ini adalah seorang 'gelandangan'!Justru karena kesibukannya yang luar biasa sebagai seorang aktor-lah yang menyebabkan Pattinson tak punya rumah permanen. Selama ini bintang yang besar di London ini hidup 'nomaden' dengan mewah karena harus keliling dunia demi kepentingan syuting.
Robert sendiri sudah pernah berniat membeli sebuah rumah, namun sepertinya langkah ini tak cocok buatnya, karena tak lama setelah perjanjian disepakati, dia mendadak panik. Sekarang sebaliknya, Pattinson sering merasa 'hampir gila' karena tak punya rumah.
"Aku hampir membeli sebuah rumah di Los Angeles. Tapi 20 menit setelah kontraknya kutandatangani, aku mulai ketakutan. Jadi aku tak punya rumah atau tempat tinggal," akunya.
"Terkadang rasanya aku hampir gila karena tak punya tambatan. Kuharap aku bisa segera menetap, tapi untuk beberapa tahun ke depan, aku akan sibuk syuting ke mana-mana," tutupnya. (ace/mae)
READ MORE - Robert Pattinson, Gelandangan Kaya Raya

Ways That Computer Viruses Spread

Friday, May 27, 2011

For a virus or similar program to have any great impact it needs to be able to spread from one machine to another. They are specifically designed to get access to parts of your computer system that allow for communication with other machines. Below is a discussion of some of the most common methods.

Boot Infectors

Every disk (hard disk, floppy, CD, DVD) contains a boot sector whether it is a bootable disk or not. When a computer is turned on, it looks for boot informati...

For a virus or similar program to have any great impact it needs to be able to spread from one machine to another. They are specifically designed to get access to parts of your computer system that allow for communication with other machines. Below is a discussion of some of the most common methods.

Boot Infectors

Every disk (hard disk, floppy, CD, DVD) contains a boot sector whether it is a bootable disk or not. When a computer is turned on, it looks for boot information. If the computer finds a disk with boot information, it reads that information and uses it to properly start the computer. If for some reason that boot information is infected with a virus, the virus is activated and possibly transferred to the computer's hard drive (if the infection was on a CD for example).

Once the boot code on the hard drive is infected the virus will be loaded into your computer's memory every time you start your computer. From memory the boot virus can travel to any and every disk that is put into your computer. This is how the infection spreads.

Most boot viruses could be on a system for a long time without causing problems, simply existing there to spread themselves. Often such viruses are designed to activate their bad behaviour on a specific date (Halloween for example). There are some nasty boot viruses that will destroy the boot information or force a complete format of the hard drive immediately after they get into a computer.

Program Infectors

When an infected application is run the virus activates and is loaded into memory. While the virus is in memory any new program file that you run can become infected. This means that there will be increasingly more applications on your system that are infected. Multiple infections are very common and will certainly cause system problems.

Program files may function without any problems for some time but eventually they will have problems or multiple infections brings the entire computer system down. The data the program produces may be a first sign of infection such as saving files without proper names, or with incorrect/incomplete data being saved.

Viruses of this type are often designed to seek out programs that are used to share information between users/computers such as email applications, screen savers, office document Macros, and self-extracting compressed files.

Through e-mail attachments

Many of the most dangerous viruses are primarily spread through e-mail attachments - files that can be sent along with an e-mail message. In such cases, the user of an infected computer unknowingly attaches an infected file to an email message, and then sends the email to a friend or colleague. When the email is received, the virus is launched when the file attachment is opened, thus infecting a new computer. Email messages with animations, automated greeting cards, jokes, photographs, spreadsheet and document files, all have been documented to contain virus files.

More and more frequently these days mass mailing email worms/viruses are being released. These attacks AUTOMATICALLY scan your computer's files for any email address it can find and then uses your email application to AUTOMATICALLY send infected messages to any email address found in any file on your computer (not just email message files).

It is important to be aware of the emails that you open to make sure that they do not contain harmful viruses. Even emails from family and friends could have a virus, if that person's computer is infected. This is where an anti-virus software would be really helpful in detecting if there is a virus in any incoming messages.
READ MORE - Ways That Computer Viruses Spread

Watch what you do with MySpace Layouts

There are many who are into some form of art – painting, drawing, sculpture and so on.

There are many who are into some form of art – painting, drawing, sculpture and so on. Whereas for others, it would seem like an arduous task to think of colours that go well with a theme and put in the appropriate details in that., now that is exactly what MySpace Layouts aims at resolving. It gives an individual not very artistically inclined the ability to exhibit their talent or ideas through the various MySpace Layouts themes. When a person decides to alter the style of their page or to put in a few extra details here and there, they go in search of a good MySpace Layouts site. Since this is the most popular website that everyone uses for backgrounds, pictures, flash images, and cursors, it comes right on top in any search. If you were to type in “MySpace Layouts” in Google or Yahoo, the first 30-40 will be of websites that have a collection of MySpace Layouts in them. There are exclusive MySpace Layouts sites and others which contain layouts from there.
When using one of the MySpace Layouts, there are certain points to keep in mind to make the page better and make the MySpace Layouts effective.
1. Colors-
The main aim of any person who is interested in changing the look of their page is to add color to it. They need to think about what their favorite colors are, and which look good on the computer. Based on this, they can make use of the MySpace Layouts to make their selection. The colors they choose from MySpace Layouts should blend well with the page, and must not be too bold or bright. This will harm the eyes and not be very friendly or easy to browse through. If the color is dark red or bright yellow, it would be like a flash on the face and the MySpace Layouts will not serve its purpose. The next time a person wants to come to your page, they will think couple of times or begin to avoid your page because of the MySpace Layouts in it.

2. Text –
What kind of information are you going to put in your page? Is it in connection with your profile or some forwards? If you are unable to find something to your liking, you can take from MySpace Layouts site. There are many quotes or stories that you can make use of. But make sure to copy paste the complete code else your text will be confusing. Also if you have lengthy write up on your page, use one of the MySpace Layouts fonts to make it look elegant or classy. This will make the page more readable and user friendly. You can also keep changing the text, by using on of the MySpace Layouts posters or animated pictures with messages on your page.
READ MORE - Watch what you do with MySpace Layouts

Watch Movies On Iphone

If you'd like to watch movies on your Iphone, you've come to the right place. In order to do this, you have a few different choices and ways to go about it.

If you'd like to watch movies on your Iphone, you've come to the right place. In order to do this, you have a few different choices and ways to go about it. This is due to the Iphone needing the movies to be stored as MP4s. If you'd like to find out exactly how it's done, check out this article.

In order to be able to watch movies on an Iphone, they need to be saved onto the Iphone itself in the MP4 format. This makes it much easier to download movies to watch rather than transfer them from your DVDs, as many downloadable movies will be in MP4 format already. If you do want watch your existing movies (DVDs) on your Iphone, it can still be done, it will just mean you need to obtain some ripping software to rip the movie from the DVD and convert it into the necessary kind of file.

Ripping software varies in price, you can get some decent software for free or you may need to pay up to $50 or so for the better stuff. Run a few simple google searches to find some examples, and you may want to search for “freeware dvd ripper” or something like that to help you find the less expensive stuff. Once you have the ripped files saved as MP4s on your computer, you can transfer them across using Itunes, the way you would any other file.

As we said before, it's a little easier to watch downloaded movies on your Iphone, as quite often they will already be in the correct format, so you don't have to fool around with different software etc. In order to download the movies, all you need is a decent speed internet connection and a good idea of where to download the files from. It may seem that you can download movies from all kinds of places on the internet, but always try to avoid the torrent/P2P style sites, as they are illegal and can cause huge problems with viruses etc and things like that. In general, it's always better to stay as far from these kinds of sites as possible, and if you do go near them try to make sure your security and antivirus programs are fully updated and in good working order.

Thankfully there are a few legitimate download sites springing up on the net these days, and these are a much safer bet than all the torrent sites. Basically they work by charging you a one off fee to get your membership, which lasts for life, and then giving you unlimited download access to their huge databases. Quite often the selections at places like this have to be seen to be believed. It's more than just movies too, you can expect all the movies you can think of, plus millions of music files and games and TV shows too. It can be quite mind boggling the first time you visit. These sites are the most recommended for anyone wanting to download movies to their Iphone

Most of the movie files will come in MP4 format, and so you can just use Itunes to transfer them to your Iphone.

As you've seen, downloading stuff to your Iphone isn't as straight forward as you may think, so I'm hoping this article has helped you get a better understanding.
READ MORE - Watch Movies On Iphone

Votre Home Sweet Home Au Gout du Jour

Décorer une maison moderne n'est pas chose toujours facile et peut devenir même très compliqué et très cher. Toutefois, il est possible d'équiper son cocon sans pour autant "casser la banque". Voici comment.

Pour pouvoir aménager votre cher appartement au goût du jour, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est d'avoir quelques idées et une grande imagination afin de transformez vote logement en un véritable cocon douillet aussi bien de style cosy que cottage.

Comme beaucoup de familles, vous vivez probablement dans une maison spacieuse avec des pièces open-spaces et un désir impérieux de transformer tout cela en un cocon plus intime. Si tel est le cas, voici pour vous des conseils de décoration pour tout réaménager pour pas cher.

Tout d'abord, rééquipez votre logement en meubles. Prenez ces derniers plus large et/ou plus long. Cela donnera déjà un aspect plus cosy et un environnement plus chaleureux, du fait qu'ils meubleront les espaces vides. Par exemple, pour un salon immense, pourquoi ne pas l'équiper d'une table de jeu de cartes comme une table de poker, voir sur un site de poker en ligne un exemple, ces dernières étant grandes et larges, l'espace ainsi pris pourra être destiné à organiser des soirées sympathiques entre amis.
Pour cela privilégiez les meubles couverts de tissus, ou également de cuir ou autre matériel similaire permettant de créer une chaleur humaine.

Une autre idée de décoration qui peut également l'effet cosy de vos pièces spacieuses est d'ajouter de la verdure ou décorations florales. Cela donnera un sentiment de sérénité et d'ambiance tropicale. Les arbres type palmiers sont un excellent choiz pour remplir les coins des salles. Toutefois, attention de ne pas trop en faire afin de ne pas obtenir l'effet inverse.
Une troisième idée de décoration est de créer une atmosphère confinée et chaleureuse dans votre chambre en posant sous votre lit un tapis élégant, fin et joliment conçu. Choisissez celui qui est assez grand pour pouvoir contenir tous les meubles de la pièce et en adéquation avec les couleurs de cette dernière. Evitez toutefois les couleurs criardes.
Enfin, décorer votre maison de façon moderne signifie adapter ses meubles à l'ensemble de vos murs. En fait, concevoir vos murs de façon appropriée est l'un des aspects les plus importants pour obtenir l'atmosphère correspondant à vos attentes. Il y a plusieurs manières d'atteindre ce résultat. Vous pouvez accrochez de larges tableaux ou tout autre œuvre d'art, suspendre de larges tissus, ou encore organiser des portraits ou autres.

Mais la question qui se pose est la suivante: Comment obtenir des décorations pour un faible prix?
En effet, quand arrive le moment de décorer son logement, la question du prix se pose en toute logique. Votre mission consiste donc à trouver ce qui vous plait à un coût moindre pour concevoir le design que vous désirez obtenir, en plus de l'atmosphère.

Sur votre mur principal, éviter de commettre l'erreur classique qui est de combler l'espace à tout prix.
Pour ceux qui ne sont pas forcément expert en la matière d'organisation d'intérieur mais essayent de faire de leur mieux avec ce que vous avez déjà sous la main ou peignez quelque chose en imaginant une ligne imaginaire vous permettant de trouver vos repères.

Alors pourquoi dépenser trop, lorsque dans l'espoir d'avoir de meilleurs revenus, on a déjà tout sous la main?
READ MORE - Votre Home Sweet Home Au Gout du Jour

Want PDA Buying Ideas that can Help You

So you have decided to purchase a PDA. Congratulations—you will be buying a form of technology that will help you get your life organized! Yet, if this is your first PDA purchase you may find that you will benefit from some of these PDA buying ideas.

So you have decided to purchase a PDA. Congratulations-you will be buying a form of technology that will help you get your life organized! Yet, if this is your first PDA purchase you may find that you will benefit from some of these PDA buying ideas.

1) Find a PDA at a price that you can afford. Don't go crazy when you purchase a PDA, more money doesn't always equate to a better PDA. If you are unsure as to what PDA is worth the money you are planning to pay, read various PDA reviews to see what others think of the product. In fact, in reading PDA reviews, you can successfully determine which PDA will meet any and all of your needs. I strongly urge you to use PDA reviews, they can save you a lot of grief when purchasing your pda.

2) PDAs are diverse in size and you should find one that you will be comfortable in handling on a regular basis. Some PDAs are very tiny while others are smaller than a laptop, but still relatively large. If you are comfortable with a tiny device then get a small device, but if you have a repetitive motion injury or if you have a problem with your fine motor skills, a smaller PDA may not be the best thing for you and you may want to consider purchasing a larger PDA.
This is so true, you really need to sample a pda, I mean actually hold it in your hand and try it out. Because if it's not comfortable to use then down the road you won't use it.

3) Again, the size of your PDA and its keyboard is so vitally important. No one wants to be constantly aggravated by a PDA keyboard that has keys that are designed too close together or that are small and difficult to utilize. This is especially true for those individuals that have problems with fine motor skills or have a repetitive motion injury. Therefore, thoroughly examine the usability of a PDA's keyboard before you make your PDA purchase.

I just want to reemphasize this point, I not to long ago bought a PDA for my wife. Sure I sampled them found one I thought she would like and low and behold found out the opposite. She liked the small size but did not like the keyboard. So I took her to the store so she could sample them herself I then purchased the one she was comfortable with.

4) If you are considering using your PDA to get Internet access, invest in a PDA that offers you wireless Internet access. The whole idea of enjoying the use of a PDA is the portability that the product provides and using cell phone dial up, although more secure, is in no way less costly than wireless Internet access.

5) If you plan to carry quite a few files or images on your PDA, you may want to purchase an expanded memory card. Because PDAs are small, handheld devices, their memories are a bit limited. Therefore, if you plan some heavy-duty use of a PDA, you many need to purchase additional memory so you don't slow down the processing that can be handled on your PDA.

Or better yet, purchase a PDA with more installed memory. You can always buy expanded memory down the road if you need it. But purchasing a PDA initially with larger installed memory for your current needs is cheaper than buying one with less and then adding a memory expansion card.

In the end, if you keep the above mentioned tips in mind, you will easily find a PDA that is right for you. Now all you need to do is start your research and your sampling of PDAs. Visit the nearest electronics dealer to determine what PDA you want and get your life organized today!
READ MORE - Want PDA Buying Ideas that can Help You

Wallpapers and Desktop Customization

Since the invention of the windows desktop, wallpapers have become a very popular desktop customization option for avid computer users. This is especially so since an average computer user will probably be staring at the desktop very frequently each time he uses the computer.
Free wallpapers can be found almost effortlessly on the web but few sites provide a wide range of quality wallpapers. One can find, albeit with some effort, wallpaper sites that provide an extensive range of free wallpapers that cover from nature to celebrities to vehicles. Another popular category of wallpapers are movies, entertainment and sports. Even rare and high specialized categories like macabre and abstract wallpapers are also available on the web.

However, one of the most popular type of wallpapers are the sexy wallpapers or wallpapers of female celebrities and models. These wallpapers feature photographs and graphics of sexy females and are usually downloaded by fans and typically male users.

Installing wallpapers is a breeze. All a user needs to do is to right click any empty space on their desktop and select the ‘properties’ option. Then select the ‘desktop’ tab and the option to choose your desired wallpaper is right on the screen. The user can either select from a list of pre-existing defined wallpapers or he can browse for suitable files in his computer.

Desktop wallpapers are definitely here to stay as long as Microsoft continues to keep its desktop feature in Windows. As a result, a rapidly emerging and rising trend is the growth of designers who create wallpapers for users to suit their preferences. These designed wallpapers do not just involve a single photograph but includes graphic designs and multiple photographs incorporated into one image. So if you have not ventured into customizing your desktop, why not give it a shot and select a wallpaper that matches your current interests and appeals to your desire.
READ MORE - Wallpapers and Desktop Customization

Want Nice CD – DVD Packaging?

You guys always want to keep you favorite CDs & DVDs top notch. You never want your dear CDs & DVDs getting scratched or damaged, and thus you often look for the strong cd – dvd packaging to keep you CDs & DVDs immaculate and intact. Your cd – dvd packaging cases are generally designed to provide strong protection to your CDs & DVDs.

You guys always want to keep you favorite CDs & DVDs top notch. You never want your dear CDs & DVDs getting scratched or damaged, and thus you often look for the strong cd – dvd packaging to keep you CDs & DVDs immaculate and intact. Your cd – dvd packaging cases are generally designed to provide strong protection to your CDs & DVDs.

Your cd – dvd packaging cases are often made of rigid or semi-rigid material for keeping your CDs & DVDs safe. Your cd – dvd packaging cases protect your CDs & DVDs from scratches and other types of exposure damages. You can find a myriad of cd – dvd packaging cases and boxes on the market. Your cd – dvd packaging cases may include single disc and multi disc CD – DVD cases, and you can also find standard width and slim profile cd – dvd packaging cases.

CD – DVD packaging sleeves offer nice protection to your DVDs. Your cd – dvd packaging sleeves may include paper sleeves, plastic sleeves and tyvec sleeves. Additionally, you may also find CD – DVD sleeves available with or without windows and flaps.

Jewel cases are the cd – dvd packaging cases, generally measuring 142 mm × 125 mm × 10 mm. These cd – dvd packaging cases are usually made of injection-molded polystyrene. You can also use jewel cd – dvd packaging cases for the packaging of BDs (Blu Ray Discs), and HD DVDs.

Digipacks are the cd – dvd packaging cases made of cardboards. Actually, digipack cd – dvd packaging cases are the jewel-case-style plastic cd packaging trays glued inside a folding cardboard cases. Your digipacks offer nice protection to your CDs and DVDs, and are nice for keeping your CD movies and DVD movies.

Jakeboxes are patented cd & dvd packaging systems from Sweden. Your CDs & DVDs, in Jakebox cd – dvd packaging, are held in a folded 'claw' that opens up and presents your discs in wonderful fashion. Your cd – dvd packaging Jakeboxes are generally made of paper or carton, with or without pocket for a booklet.

CD – DVD mailers are virtually designed to meet all of your cd – dvd packaging needs. Your CD – DVD mailers may include single disc and multi disc CD – DVD mailers. You can also find paperboard and cardboard CD & DVD mailers.

Plastic cases and clamshells offer nice cd – dvd packaging solutions. You can find rounded c-shells and square plastic cases for your CDs & DVDs. You can also find plastic CD & DVD cases for use in 3 ring binders.

Keep Cases are the most common type of dvd packaging systems. Slightly taller than Jewel cases, DVD Keep Cases are made of much softer, less brittle plastic – polypropylene rather than polystyrene. DVD Keep Cases are durable and do not break easily. DVD Keep Cases come can usually hold one or two discs. DVD slimmer keep cases are called "Slim-paks" or "Thinpaks."

Spindles or, less formally, cake boxes are often used for blank cd – dvd packaging. These cd – dvd packaging cases are round, clear plastic cups that have central posts to hold stacks of discs. These cylindrical cd – dvd packaging boxes are designed for bulk cd – dvd packaging, anywhere from ten up to 100 discs.

Besides, you can also find CD/ DVD Trigger Cases, J-card cases, Clamshell, Mini CD/ DVD cardboard sleeve, CD/ DVD mailer, Digital Booklet for CDs and DVDs, Mini CD Clear Slick, Double and Single Cases, Double Cardboard CD wallet, Multi Case DVDs, Bizcard CD/ DVD cardboard sleeve, Premium Tray Packaging, and several other single & bulk cd – dvd packaging cases & boxes. You can find your cd – dvd packaging cases online.
READ MORE - Want Nice CD – DVD Packaging?

Valentines Day Massacre Redefined

in a motel near NIU, Kazmierczak boosted his nerve and smoked his brain with alcohol and cigarettes

Wikipedia and other reference and resource materials have a definition of the Saint Valentine's Day Massacre that will soon need to be updated. It must now share it's infamy.

Seventy-Nine (79) years to the day after the Scar Face Gang committed the most infamous massacre in American history with the cold blooded killing of seven (7) members of the Bugsy Moran Gang while their Mob Boss, Al Capone, lay untouchable in Florida, another young man made his unforgettable mark in the State of Illinois while his diabetic father (unlike Capone) sat unknowing in the sunshine state.

Dateline: St Valentine's Day, 14 February 2008, Dekalb, Illinois

An hour or so and just over Sixty (60) miles due west of Chicago a skinny, troubled, Twenty-Eight (28) year old, Steven Kazmierczak, reminiscent of a Clint Eastwood spaghetti movie, stepped from behind a curtain at a lecture hall holding more than One Hundred and Fifty (150) students and speaking not a word opened fire gangland style on the unsuspecting class. Kazmierczak had masked his inner demons with his friendly exterior.

Unlike the Chicago gangs of Capone's era the six (6) people killed by Kazmierczak were engaged no unlawful activity. They were running no bordellos, were not guns for hire, and the prohibition period of our nation's history with it's speakeasies was but a faint memory when the alumnus ended the career of six (6) of his fellow Huskies before they began.

Mid-afternoon, St Valentine's Day, 2008, while the Tennessee Mountain Man finalized celebration plans for Cupid's favorite day, a former NIU sociology graduate student, dressed in a long black coat and carrying a shotgun and two (2) hand guns was practicing the reverse of Cupid's love magic. The gunman himself was enrolled in classes at the university just one short year earlier.

The curriculum of the Computer man, in years past, while he studied law and law enforcement sciences included the Chicago underground and the lawless gangland days. While it was an interesting period to study, it must have been a fearful time for the residents of the day. And, nothing in the original St Valentine's Day Massacre prepared one for the NIU Massacre of 2008.

Not even the earlier high school and college shootings over the last few years had prepared anyone to foresee and prevent the NIU massacre. This was, after all, perpetrated by one of their own... an outstanding student by all accounts.

Having apparently spent the night before in a Travel Lodge Motel near the college, Kazmierczak boosted his nerve and smoked his brain with alcohol and cigarettes as evidenced by the beer cans and cigarette butts scattered about the room. The NIU gunman then gathered the tools to apply the trade for which he would be remembered and made his way to the school.

Leaving much more ammunition behind in his motel room secluded in a duffel bag he left many more questions than could be answered. Adding to the suspense, he apparently left no suicide note which police have come to expect to help them determine the suspect's motive and state of mind. The totality of the experience makes one ask what he planned for an encore and why he
suddenly decided to end it when and where he did by taking his own life.

Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior, responsible for the massacre at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia almost a year earlier in April, 2007, like Steven Kazmierczak, was a young man with many demons... you may simply call them mental issues, but they are demons that haunt men day and night until some break under the assault.

Both of these men, like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, before them, who embarked on the 1999 shooting rampage at Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado, have turned our educational campuses into modern day shooting galleries.

The Tennessee Mountain Man would not want to be a student on America's campuses today. Back in the day police officers and properly licensed citizens, including students, carried side arms at all times including in banks, schools, restaurants, bars, court houses, etc.

It is time we stop trying to be ostriches. It is time we get our heads out of the sand or where ever we have shoved them and reverse the course of only criminals, those with mental issues, and individuals with the propensities of the Harris', the Klebold's, the Cho's, and the Kazmierczak's carrying weapons in our society.

Guns are neither good nor bad. They are inanimate objects. But, when guns are outlawed anywhere, only the criminals or the criminally insane (by definition) will bear arms.
READ MORE - Valentines Day Massacre Redefined

Virtual IT: Grow your business by providing ongoing service

Virtual IT: why providing this ongoing service will help increase your bottom line. You can grow your business and improve customer relationships by providing Virtual IT.

Virtual IT: How It Can Benefit Your Business

Most successful small business computer consultants position their companies as virtual IT departments? Why? Because providing virtual IT to your customers gives you steady business. In this article, you'll learn why providing virtual IT to your clients can benefit both you and your customers.

What is Virtual IT?

Virtual IT is really all about becoming your clients' outsourced IT department. So instead of just selling your customers and clients PCs, servers, routers, Wi-Fi, cabling, and other physical products, you instead spend your time selecting and designing their networks, looking at business problems, figuring out how to apply the technology to business problems, and bringing all the resources together. With virtual IT, your firm acts as your clients' part-time IT managers or virtual CIO's.

Virtual IT is a convenient, flexible, and comprehensive technical services program that gives small businesses access to what they need, when they need it-without the overhead burden of full-time, salaried IT staff.

How can you provide virtual IT to your clients?

For you to deliver virtual IT successfully and profitably, you need to know what the opportunities and the typical solutions look like. For example:
· What are the traditional types of services that you can sell to your existing clients and your future clients?
· What other opportunities exist?

Virtual IT grows your relationships.

Continue adding value to both your existing customers and clients, and new customers and clients. That's what it's really all about. It's not about just selling the initial network installation, getting it installed, walking out of there, and keeping your fingers crossed that everything works.

Don't sit around waiting for your customers to call you. Be proactive: provide virtual IT on an ongoing basis and you and your clients will avoid most major emergencies. By providing virtual IT, your business will be more profitable and both you and your customers will experience fewer headaches.

The Bottom Line about Virtual IT
In this article, you've been introduced to virtual IT. To learn more about virtual IT, click here now to get access to a free one-hour audio training program on 5 Easy Ways to Grow Your Computer Consulting Business.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consultants Secrets. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}
READ MORE - Virtual IT: Grow your business by providing ongoing service

Virtual private server with plesk or cpanel

When you can’t afford a dedicated server, you can source for a vps solution. Virtual private server are partitioning of physical server, and having multiple operation system and resources allocated to few system accounts that are running at the same time. And each account is similar to a full featured server.

When looking for a VPS solution, we first concern is to chose which platform. VPS are usually powered by either plesk control panel or cpanel with whm control panel. If you are a cpanel supporter, then its adviced to stick with cpanel with whm. In another way round if you are plesk control panel geek, then stay with it.

Cpanel with WHM are meant for linux or unix server only, and not supporting windows ASP. If you are looking forward to have asp or asp .net, then you will need plesk control panel with windows support. Its important to choose the right one at this very early moment.

And good thing about VPS is that you can have physical desktop access and even accessing the system root folder and install your own software. Commonly VPS server independent reboot, and will not effecting other vps account that sharing the server. By this vps server uptime can be up to 99.99% compare to 99.9% for shared hosting environment.

Another gold advantage is that VPS solution, either its plesk or whm, they allow you to resell hosting plan. Yes, you can create your own hosting package, and sell off some of your unused hosting space and bandwidth, and earn some profit from there as well. Nice features to have.

So next time when you bump to vps solution with cpanel, whm, plesk control panel, windows hosting or linux hosting... you will know what you are facing and definitely you will chose the right one. If you need a good vps solution I will hightly recommending hostican vps and startlogic vps. Read full details review at and respectively.
READ MORE - Virtual private server with plesk or cpanel

Virus Alertness Tricks

When talking about computer virus protection, anti-virus software, and firewalls, it is important to stress that no virus protection system is foolproof. Even top security computer systems have been infiltrated time and again by hackers and computer criminals simply by programming a virus. Files have been deleted, accounts and identities have been stolen, and confidential files have been accessed by these hackers. This is not to say that anti-virus softwares are useless, but ...

When talking about computer virus protection, anti-virus software, and firewalls, it is important to stress that no virus protection system is foolproof. Even top security computer systems have been infiltrated time and again by hackers and computer criminals simply by programming a virus. Files have been deleted, accounts and identities have been stolen, and confidential files have been accessed by these hackers. This is not to say that anti-virus softwares are useless, but to point out that these programs work and perform better with the users' assistance.

Computer viruses are programs that reproduce themselves and infect files and disks. They are spread and transmitted whenever files, disks, or programs are exchanged. Email attachments from known people, like your friends, professors, colleagues, or even your boss, can be virus-laden. The senders themselves may not even be aware that they're sending you a virus. Computer virus protection, anti-virus software, and firewalls are developed to help you identify the viruses, the infected part of your system, and the process by which the virus can be contained. But as pointed out before, they need your assistance. New programs are developed regularly, and aside from these, there are also new technologies put in use. With the improvements in technology, it is naive and erroneous to assume that viruses remain as they are. They are constantly changing, becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect. Most advanced viruses aren't detected until they have brought down and controlled entire systems. Hence, the first trick of virus protection is to subscribe to a reputable anti-virus software. Free software can detect and quarantine simple worms and viruses, but they would be hard-pressed to detect the more sophisticated kinds. Subscription requires minimal fees compared to the degree of protection your computer receives. This is especially advisable to companies and large businesses where several computers are joined in a network. Computers for home use and ones that aren't used for storing sensitive data can do just fine with free downloadable software.

Subscription automatically causes your computer virus protection, anti-virus software, and firewall security to update whenever it is possible. This is an advantage because you can keep up with the rapid sophistication of new viruses. The more updated your software is, the more efficient it is in catching the virus. Free software must be updated or replaced with new versions regularly. It is best to update your software whenever your software site alerts you of newer versions. Aside from these tricks, doing virus scans on files, disks, software disks, programs, and other applications must be second nature to you before opening or downloading. Keep back-up files of the data and files in your computer in case a virus caused them to be deleted. Regular rebooting and "clean up" of your system also minimize susceptibility to viruses. Computer virus protection and anti-virus softwares optimize their performance with your help.
READ MORE - Virus Alertness Tricks

Viajar por placer

Viajar y conocer nuevos países, culturas es uno de los mas certeros métodos para volver lleno de energía con una mirada mas optimista a la realidad. Pruébalo y veras.

El periodo de viajar en avión no es la experiencia que mas disfrute. Cargar con la valija, pagar el pasaje, la sensación de encierro en el avión entre otras son los negativos de viajar. Sin embargo llegar al lugar de destino es tal recompensa que lo mencionado anteriormente deja de ser relevante.

La posibilidad de conocer nuevos horizontes es siempre un lujo que no todos pueden utilizar. Es sin duda una de mis actividades favoritas, sino la más favorita. Poder conocer otras culturas, nuevas comidas, idiomas, paisajes, negocios, restaurantes, en fin, viajar es para mi muy enriquecedor.

Si decides viajar solo, verdaderamente tiene sus ventajas. Permanentemente tienes la posibilidad de conocer alguien interesante en el avión, charlar con el pasajero a tu lado, o tropezarte con algún amigo de un amigo que se encuentra viajando en el mismo momento.

Viajar asimismo ofrece la posibilidad de desconectarse de los problemas que lo atormentan diariamente. Claro que a pesar de que uno se aleja los problemas no desaparecen, pero desde ya que puedes mirarlos con otra perspectiva y te darás cuenta que lo que lo que veías tan negro quizás es un poco gris!

Mi viaje favorito fue el que hice a Paris con mi mejor amiga. Allí, estuvimos viviendo en la zona de Le Mare, en donde por las noches salíamos a algún boliche de moda y por el día hacíamos turismo absoluto. Desde Notre Dame a Monmatre, hay un sinfín de lugares para recorrer en la ciudad.

Si eliges Europa como destino, es recomendable ir durante primavera o verano y no en invierno, ya que el frió clima y la oscuridad de la tarde no te benefician para caminar y pasear. Sin embargo en la mayoría de los lugares de Europa encontraras calefacción central para no sufrir tanto.

Hay infinidad de lugares para recorrer y viajar. Si decides ir a Italia tienes una variedad culinaria para todos los gustos. Las pastas y pizzas son increibles, y sus paisajes no dejan nada que desear!
En España, Barcelona es la ciudad turística y más cosmopolita; por otro lado Madrid tiene un estilo elegante y sofisticado.
Siempre y cuando viajes con algún compañero o compañera que tengan un estilo e idea similar al tuyo del viaje, buena energía y estén abiertos a nuevas experiencias, te aseguro que te divertirás.

Si te encuentras en un momento de tu vida donde te sientes presionado o estresado, por trabajo, estudio, familia o lo que sea y buscas un escape rápido y certero viajar es la mejor solución. Te abriga la mente, te rejuveneceré el espíritu y volverás con nuevas historias y experiencias para contar!
READ MORE - Viajar por placer

Virus Protection not enough to keep your system safe

Many people believe that they are protected because they have anti-virus protection. Sadly, this is not the case. There are many threats that your anti-virus software will not protect you against. If you are surfing the Internet with just anti-virus protection then you may already have malicious programs running in your computer ‘background’, unknown to you and doing irreparable harm.
The Internet is a dangerous place for people as well as computer systems. Every day there is a new threat that seeks to do harm to your computer and the information contained within your hard drive.

Many people believe that they are protected because they have anti-virus protection. Sadly, this is not the case. There are many threats that your anti-virus software will not protect you against. If you are surfing the Internet with just anti-virus protection then you may already have malicious programs running in your computer ‘background’, unknown to you and doing irreparable harm.

These programs are more commonly referred to as spyware. Spyware is similar in nature to a computer virus in that they both infiltrate and affect system resources and often times both are hard to detect. The main reason that anti-virus does not protect against such threats is because spyware does not appear to be malicious. Often times spyware is disguised as something as harmless as a computer cookie. Once it is logged into your system a whole host of problems can occur.

By its very name, spyware is used to spy on your computer system. This gives whoever created the code a chance to access all of the confidential data that is stored on your hard drive, like passwords, financial data, and personal identification items. Hackers can also use spyware to hijack your computer system and use your accounts for illegal activities such as sending spam mails from your email account, or worse-stealing credit card information. Of course this is all happening right under your nose because your anti-virus protection software was never meant to catch this new kind of code.

People often ask how they can avoid getting spyware. The simple answer is there is no way to keep from getting spyware, absent setting your browser security options to a very high level, but there is a way to remove it from your system before it does any damage.

You will need to purchase and use spyware removal software. This is the only effective method to protect yourself and your computer from the malicious content that is found on the web. A spyware removal program acts as a sweeper, and ultimately a protector by destroying the spyware code found on your drives. It is as simple as that.

The best course of action that one should take is to run the spyware removal software after each session on the web, or weekly if that is to much of a burden. There is no way to avoid all of the potential threats that are on the net these days. Even if you visit only reputable sites that you have visited before you still run a high risk of getting spyware. Most often, a webmaster has no idea that his site is being used to distribute spyware. Producers of the spyware code are getting smarter everyday, and they’re learning to cover their tracks well.

The only way to protect yourself is with this knowledge and a great spyware removal program.
If you need the very best in spyware removal then visit
Here you will be provided with the best spyware removal program that is currently available on the market, hands down.
READ MORE - Virus Protection not enough to keep your system safe

Verizon DSL - It's Cheaper Than You Think

Verizon DSL is a digital subscriber link (DSL) internet service provided by Verizon communications. Internet can be accessed in many ways like cable, ISDN, dial-up, optical fiber, power line internet, satellite, wi-fi, DSL etc. The advantage of DSL is that the voice telephone and fax can be used simultaneously with the internet connection. DSL technology takes advantage of the fact that on the telephone line, voice occupies a very small bandwidth and a large bandwidth is unus...

Verizon DSL is a digital subscriber link (DSL) internet service provided by Verizon communications. Internet can be accessed in many ways like cable, ISDN, dial-up, optical fiber, power line internet, satellite, wi-fi, DSL etc. The advantage of DSL is that the voice telephone and fax can be used simultaneously with the internet connection. DSL technology takes advantage of the fact that on the telephone line, voice occupies a very small bandwidth and a large bandwidth is unused. This unused bandwidth is utilized by DSL for internet. Verizon DSL can also be used to connect more than one computer to one connection.

DSL internet service is provided over the ordinary telephone. Verizon DSL is available in most places where verizon has provided telephone service. However DSL is not available on all telephone lines due to physical limitations. If the telephone is beyond 3 miles from the verizon central office (telephone exchange) the DSL service is not available. This is because the quality of the connection generally deteriorates beyond the 3 mile limit. Further if the copper wiring in the home telephone line is not as per requirements DSL service cannot be provided. Whether Verizon DSL can be provided or not to a particular Verizon telephone line can be checked easily by entering the telephone number in the URL given below.

Verizon DSL is available in two packages. The Home package and The Business Package. Home package is available in two speeds, 3 Mbps/768 Kbps and 768Kbps/128Kbps. The rates are $312.45 $ per year and $ 164.45per year respectively. The charges have to be paid in monthly installments. A $19.95 shipping and activation will be charged separately.

For business DSL the prices are, 768Kbps $24.95MO, 3Mbps/768 Kbps $39.95 MO, 7.2 Mbps $79.95 MO. $25 setup fee and equipment for all packages.

Verizon DSL supports both PC and Macintosh. The minimum PC requirements for Verizon DSL are any one of the operating systems, Windows98, Windows Me, Windows XP or Windows 2000. 233 MHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent or higher. For Windows XP, 300 MHz Intel Pentium processor or equivalent or higher. 128 MB RAM for Windows XP or 2000. 64 MB RAM for other OS. 100 MB free disk space. CD-ROM or DVD drive. USB Port or 10Base-T Ethernet Network Interface Card.

For Macintosh computers the minimum requirements are Macintosh OS X or 10.2-10.4 .PowerPC processor with speeds 120 MHz or higher. 64 MB RAM. 100 MB free disk space. CD-ROM or DVD drive. 10-Base-T Ethernet Network Interface Card. Alternatively the computer can be assessed automatically for compatibility with Verizon DSL at this URL.

Verizon DSL can be ordered online. Verizon DSL comes with a self installing kit. The kit is an audio visual guide on how to install the DSL modem, using DSL filters, and installing Verizon Online DSL software. In case of difficulty the 24/7 live technical support is available. There are other benefits of opting for Verizon DSL, such as 10 MB webspace, 9 e-mail accounts, 30 day money back guarantee etc. (If the individual is not satisfied with Verizon DSL he will be repaid the money he has paid.)
READ MORE - Verizon DSL - It's Cheaper Than You Think

Various Types Of 2 Way Radios

Radios that can receive and transmit communications are known as 2 way radios. Some common examples are walkie-talkies, CB radios and even cellular phones. While these products are very different in nature, they are common in that they receive and transmit communication and are classified as 2 way radios.

There are many uses for 2 way radios, including a camping trip with the family where walkie talkies help everyone to stay in touch. When in the wilderness, a cell phone i...

Radios that can receive and transmit communications are known as 2 way radios. Some common examples are walkie-talkies, CB radios and even cellular phones. While these products are very different in nature, they are common in that they receive and transmit communication and are classified as 2 way radios.

There are many uses for 2 way radios, including a camping trip with the family where walkie talkies help everyone to stay in touch. When in the wilderness, a cell phone is not likely to have a signal and this is why walkie talkies are so helpful. If individuals should get separated from one another while camping, having a way to remain in communication is invaluable. In order for 2 way radios to work, individuals must be on the same frequency or channel to communicate. Before separating, families should make sure that everyone is on the same channel incase the devices are needed.

The uses of other 2 way radios, such as cell phones, are more obvious. Car problems while out on the highway can be a major issue unless you have a cell phone to keep you in contact with the outside world. In addition, landline phones often have problems and may be out of service temporarily. In many of these instances, however, cell phones are still operational and can offer a way to report the outage to phone companies, stay in touch with family and friends or make emergency calls if needed.

There are a number of places to find 2 way radios, including retail and specialty stores. The internet is also a wonderful way to find 2 way radios in a variety of styles, features and price ranges. Most electronics feature a manufacturer’s warranty when purchased new, so take note of any such offerings when browsing for 2 way radios. Warranties often last for 90 days to one year and cover repairs and/or replacements of any product that is defective as a result of workmanship or materials. It is best to keep any warranty information tucked away in a safe place for later retrieval.

As a final thought with 2 way radios, it is best to test the product before putting it to actual use. In other words, the best way to test a walkie talkie is not when you are already out on a camping trip. The best time would be before you leave home and always be sure to test the distance at which you can still communicate without any problem.
READ MORE - Various Types Of 2 Way Radios

USPS Click-N-Ship Software Provides Free Delivery Confirmation

Gone are the days of having to stand in line at the post office just to mail a package. These days, thanks to the advancement of the internet and technology, postal customers can now print postage from the convenience of their own home.

Gone are the days of having to stand in line at the post office just to mail a package. These days, thanks to the advancement of the internet and technology, postal customers can now print postage from the convenience of their own home. Using a standard printer, along with USPS Click-N-Ship software, consumers can print shipping labels, postage stamps and even delivery confirmation numbers.

Many individuals, who make their living at online auction sites, are constantly in need of additional convenience relating to mailing and expenses. The software, which installs quickly, is one way to save shippers a bundle of time by allowing them to print postage directly from their printer. Using standard typing paper, the software enables the shipper to print a complete label featuring the return address, shipping address, barcode and a delivery confirmation.

Widely promoted as being a shipping convenience, the Click-N-Ship software often goes unrecognized for one of it’s best features. If purchased at the post office, delivery confirmation is $0.45 per package but, with Click-N-Ship, it’s free. Consider mailing 100 packages per month with delivery confirmation. At the post office, customers would pay $45.00 but, with the software, they save that amount of money. Over time, free delivery confirmation can add up to a bundle of cash and, if shipping is your business, it pays to save wherever possible. Before mailing the packages with delivery confirmation, it may be a good idea to keep a record of each shipment and it’s corresponding tracking number. This will be very beneficial to any shipper who may later need to provide proof of shipment.

In order to properly use the Click-N-Ship software, customers must have some idea as to the weight of their package. Therefore, it may be a good investment to purchase a portable postage scale. In addition, customers will be prompted for the dimensions of their package prior to obtaining a total. With Click-N-Ship software, customers pay for their postage online before being able to print any labels. This eliminates the need to stand in line at the post office because the postage has already been calculated, printed and affixed to each package. In fact, many shippers simply take a box full of packages for mailing, which have been postage-paid using the Click-N-Ship software, into their post office and leave them for later processing.

The USPS Click-N-Ship software is available for free download at or included on selected AOL software CDs as a bonus. Otherwise, customers may be able to ask their postmaster for additional information on obtaining a copy of the Click-N-Ship software.
READ MORE - USPS Click-N-Ship Software Provides Free Delivery Confirmation

Using Fiber Patch Cables

Fiber patch cables are the backbone of the fiber optics industry. These fiber patch cables are strands of optically pure glass as thin as human hair. These cables carry information via mode of transmission of light. Short patch leads usually made with stranded wire are flexible patch cables. The fiber patch cables are used to plug one piece of equipment into another.

They have various uses in all kinds of industries. Fiber patch cables are used in medical imaging, mechanic...

Fiber patch cables are the backbone of the fiber optics industry. These fiber patch cables are strands of optically pure glass as thin as human hair. These cables carry information via mode of transmission of light. Short patch leads usually made with stranded wire are flexible patch cables. The fiber patch cables are used to plug one piece of equipment into another.

They have various uses in all kinds of industries. Fiber patch cables are used in medical imaging, mechanical engineering, LAN applications, cable TV networks, telephone lines, etc. Fiber patch cables have revolutionized the total network industry of telephones, cable, internet, audio applications, etc. The fiber patch cables offer accurate signal transfer which is totally distortion free. Thus due to these cables the audio or video transmission is completely distortion free and crystal clear. Since these fiber patch cables use light as a mode of transmission there is no hazard of electric interferences or any tampering.

Fiber patch cables are used to two nearby components with fiber connectors. Fiber patch cables come with their respective connectors. They can be an ideal and easy replacement of copper cables because they use the same RJ45 connector as copper patch cables.

Fiber patch cables are available in simplex, duplex, multimode, single mode with STST, STSC, SCSC connectors. Fiber patch cables are of two prominent types – single mode and multimode. Single mode fiber patch cables are used in long-distance high capacity voice applications like telephone transmission or long distance gigabit networking. These fiber patch cables can use 9/125 micron bulk fiber cables and connectors at both ends.

Multimode fiber patch cables are used in computer industry which is standard for data applications like local area network, wide area network, etc. Fiber patch cables in multimode are available in 50µm and 62.5µm. SC, ST, LC, FC, MT-RJ, E2000 and MU connectors have polished ceramic ferrules for precision and durability. The SC and LC duplex fiber patch cables come equipped with a clip to maintain polarity.

ST to ST fiber patch cable gives unlimited bandwidth at high speeds over long distances. These fiber patch cables are ideal for connections between fiber patch panels, hubs, switches, media converters and routers, etc. Fiber patch cables provide higher speeds and increased bandwidth, compared to conventional twisted-pair copper cable. These fiber patch cables are compatible with all standard fiber optic equipment and connectors. Ceramic connectors of these fiber patch cables ensure low signal loss and high reliability along with total immunity to electrical and electromagnetic interference.

Fiber patch cables are the most opted solution these days for the networking and broadcasting industry.
READ MORE - Using Fiber Patch Cables

Using Dynamips for CCIE Lab Preparation

Since the beginning of networking related certification one of the recurring problems that have faced candidates is getting access to hardware to familiarize themselves with how network operating systems work.

Since the beginning of networking related certification one of the recurring
problems that have faced candidates is getting access to hardware to familiarize
themselves with how network operating systems work. Traditionally candidates
have been limited to hunting for great deals on old or refurbished equipment to
buy, renting equipment time from rack rental vendors, using severely limited
router simulator programs, or testing configurations on live customer networks
and praying that the help desk's phone doesn't ring. Today candidates now have
an additional option for creating a Cisco IOS testbed, an emulation program
known as Dynamips".

Started in August of 2005 by Christophe Fillot, Dynamips is a Linux and
Windows based application that is used to emulate the hardware of the Cisco 7200
and 3600 series routing platforms. Unlike traditional router simulators"
Dynamips allows you to boot real Cisco IOS software images and build complex
network topologies to test the functionality of IOS on your desktop PC. As of
November 2006 Dynamips currently supports Ethernet, Serial, ATM, and POS
interfaces for the 7200 series routers and Ethernet, Serial, and Etherswitch
modules for the 3600 series routers. Best of all Dynamips is open-source and
free to download!

To run Dynamips first you must install
libpcap or
winpcap depending on your platform. Windows
users will need to install winpcap 4.0 or later which is currently in beta.

Next download the appropriate Linux or Windows executables for Dynamips. To
do this I would recommended to download the
Dynagen installer package, a front
end written by Greg Anuzelli which uses an INI-like configuration file to
provision the Dynamips emulator.

Next you'll need a Cisco IOS software image for a 7206, 3620, 3640, or 3660
router depending on which platform you will be emulating. IOS can be downloaded
from for users with a valid service contract. Once you have
downloaded the appropriate IOS image it is recommended that you extract the
image to save time in the Dynamips booting process. This can be accomplished
with programs such as gunzip for Linux or WinRAR for Windows.

Next you need to build a Dynagen .net file to provision the Dynamips
emulator, or you can download prebuilt ones to emulate the Internetwork Expert
Routing & Switching and Service Provider topologies from here:

Click here to download the Internetwork Expert Topologies for

Note that these files may need minor modification to specify your working
directories and the names and locations of your Cisco IOS images. Also included
in the Internetwork Expert topologies for Dynagen is a router instance that is
designated as a Terminal Server (Access Server). This instance can be used like
a Cisco 2511 series router to reverse telnet to the console ports of the virtual
Dynamips router instances, similar to how the Terminal Server is used in the
CCIE Lab Exam.

To use the Terminal Server instance first create a Loopback interface on your
PC with the IP address For Windows clients see
for instructions how to add a
Loopback interface in Windows. Once the Loopback is created reboot your PC and
then run the Dynamips shortcut Network Device List" located on the desktop.
This output will show you the hardware address for the Loopback which will look
something like {4065B11C-2A6C-4FD2-8204-A12A9A8328A4}. Next edit the .net file
for the appropriate Internetwork Expert topology, and under the [[Router
TermServ]] entry edit the line E0/0 = NIO_gen_eth:\Device\NPF_{4065B11C-2A6C-4FD2-8204-A12A9A8328A4}
to insert the hardware address of your Loopback. If successful you should be
able to ping the IP address of the Terminal Server ( from your local
PC when the Dynamips instance for it is booted.

Next boot the Dynamips hypervisor. For Windows users this will be the Dynamips
Server" shortcut on your desktop that was created by the Dynagen installer
package. Next run the appropriate .net file for Dynagen, and start" your
devices from the Dynagen command line. Once booted the Dynamips router processes
can be telneted to with any terminal emulation software such as SecureCRT, PuTTY,
HyperTerminal, or command line telnet.

Note that as the number of device you boot in Dynamips increases as do the
processor, memory, and disk space requirements of your desktop. Currently I am
able to boot all the devices in the Internetwork Expert Topology .net files in
Windows with an AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 4400+ processor with 2Gb of RAM and about
2Gb of disk space in the devices' working directory.

As the project matures more functionality is sure to be added. For more
information on the project visit the following sites:



Hacki's Forum:

READ MORE - Using Dynamips for CCIE Lab Preparation

Used Laptops Could Be Your Best Option

Most people who want to purchase a new laptop look at brand new laptop computers. There are many used laptops available. Is buying a used laptop a good idea? It depends on where you look and what you need in a computer. Used laptops do not come with warranties and usually have no guarantee. However, if you are looking for a laptop for basic functions, this could be the way to go.

Most used laptop computers were sold so that the previous owners could upgrade to a newer mode...

Article Body:
Most people who want to purchase a new laptop look at brand new laptop computers. There are many used laptops available. Is buying a used laptop a good idea? It depends on where you look and what you need in a computer. Used laptops do not come with warranties and usually have no guarantee. However, if you are looking for a laptop for basic functions, this could be the way to go.

Most used laptop computers were sold so that the previous owners could upgrade to a newer model. Others are for sale because companies upgrade their computers frequently. In some cases, you can find top quality laptops at a fraction of the price. If you want to consider purchasing a used laptop, the first step is to make certain that you are buying from a reputable dealer. There are numerous dealers that sell used laptops online. Online marketplaces often do have larger quantities and set prices for their used laptops. Some may even offer limited warranties. If you choose this route, check into the dealer and the computer offer carefully before making a purchase. Most of these dealers sell computers that are good brands that have also been upgraded in some way. In all cases, a used laptop should have the memory completely erased and ready to go when you buy it. Many used laptops can be found on online auctions. This could be a risky way to purchase a computer. Prices for used laptops can vary greatly depending on the seller. If you are using an online auction to buy a used laptop make sure you ask the seller plenty of questions before bidding, and check their seller reputation on the auction site. Be wary of any seller that has poor seller feedback.

Another thing to consider when looking at used laptops will be if the computer has the ability to be upgraded. Make sure the laptop computer you are looking to purchase can have the upgrades you want. Older computers may have less memory and will need more memory to make it useful. If the asking price of a used laptop is low enough, buying more memory may not be cost prohibitive. Also, you will need to check to which types of programs are already installed on the computer. If you will have to purchase expensive programs such as a Windows program, you may not come out on top with the purchase. If you will need to access the internet, make sure the used laptop has the capability to do so. Some older models may not be able to access WiFi or a high-speed internet access without upgrades.

Before looking at used laptops, remember that these computers are not certified. If you experience problems, used laptops usually do not offer any type of warranty or guarantee. There is no guarantee of how long the laptop will work. Also, remember that used laptops may need repairs or part replacements. In addition, if you get a used laptop and have problems, you usually have no recourse with the seller.
READ MORE - Used Laptops Could Be Your Best Option

Using A Client Extranet For Efficient Online Collaboration

Efficient collaboration with clients is essential for any service firm. Traditionally, collaboration has focused on face-to-face meetings, supported by email to share work in progress.

Over the past several years, a new tool has grown in popularity: the client service extranet. While face-to-face meetings remain the most effective (and essential) collaboration tool, extranets have replaced email as the favored forum for sharing and organizing the vast number of documents t...

Efficient collaboration with clients is essential for any service firm. Traditionally, collaboration has focused on face-to-face meetings, supported by email to share work in progress.

Over the past several years, a new tool has grown in popularity: the client service extranet. While face-to-face meetings remain the most effective (and essential) collaboration tool, extranets have replaced email as the favored forum for sharing and organizing the vast number of documents that are part of all client/agency relationships.

Increasingly, service firms are using extranets as a platform to share work with clients securely and efficiently. They allow clients to log into a secure workspace and access the materials that pertain to them.

An extranet allows clients to:

• Access draft documents for approval or comment
• Preview artwork or multimedia presentations for approval or comment
• Provide important background information from the client before the project begins
• Archive past projects for easy comparison
• Access time and billing information
• Access a log of all project communication
• Reduce the number of or eliminate the need for face-to-face meetings which can make servicing remote clients easier and less expensive

Since most clients are busy people, using an extranet can save both time and frustration for the client and improve the agency’s level of service and as a result, the client’s overall satisfaction.

How Do You Set Up An Extranet?

You can set up and in-house extranet or purchase a hosted extranet from an application service provider for a monthly fee.

Building an in-house extranet

If you select an in-house implementation, you will need to have an existing intranet infrastructure available. Then you can purchase the necessary equipment and software and either hire or train personnel to maintain the system. The initial cost can be significant and may be beyond the reach of smaller firms.

Building an in-house extranet offer the following advantages and disadvantages compared to using a hosted (ASP) solution:


• Complete control of user interface design
• Ability to customize functionality for each client
• Integration into internal systems
• Direct access to all user activity


• High up-front development cost
• Requires staff expertise in the development of extranets
• Commitment of internal staff for 6 months to a year for planning, execution, review and implementation
• On-going commitment of internal staff for internal and client support, hosting, maintenance and upgrades
• Extensive internal and client training

Using a hosted solution

If you decide to purchase the extranet from an application service provider, you will pay a monthly fee for as long as you use the service. The hosting company provides the infrastructure, security, setup and maintenance of the system. It isn’t even necessary for you to have an internal network. Many will also provide training for your staff as well.

Using an Application Service provider (ASP) offers the following advantages and disadvantages compared to using an in-house extranet:


• Proven track-record of web-based application
• Low cost of entry and predictable cost over time
• Rapid implementation as quickly as one day
• No internal staff commitment to internal and client support, hosting and maintenance
• Upgrades available at no cost
• Savings on internal server use
• Easier to learn, easier to use


• Less freedom in user interface design
• Fixed functionality

Whether you choose to build and maintain your own extranet, or choose to use a hosted solution, your firm will streamline client services by providing faster access to critical documents, and by reducing the turn around time for review and approval. Which one you choose will depend on your company’s needs and existing resources.
READ MORE - Using A Client Extranet For Efficient Online Collaboration

Unix Signals

A Unix signal can be defined as a message that is sent to a process that is currently running.

Unix signals are initiated either by running programs, computer administrators, or operators. One example of a signal is the SIGHUP signal, which is sent to the internet to instruct the Internet Daemon, also known as inetd, to repeat reading the Daemon's configuration file.

To interrupt the Daemon's currently running process (ID, or PID), key in the command kill -SIGHUP 4140.

It is also possible to use signals to terminate a currently running process. To end the inetd process entirely, key in the following command: kill 4140. This command will, by default, send a SIGTERM signal. If this command fails, then the SIGKILL command is entered to end this process: kill -9 4140. Since this command cannot be controlled, it is usually not a good idea to utilize it to stop a process. This command does not permit a process to clean up or to end gracefully.

How are Unix Signals Managed?

Every Unix signal results in a default range of effects when used with a Unix program. Computer programmers can opt to code their own applications for a customized response upon the receipt of most signals. The term used to describe these individually designed strings of code is "signal handlers".

Signal handlers are unable to redefine two unique signals. In every situation, SIGKILL is used to end a process. Similarly, SIGSTOP always sends a running application to the background when it is in the foreground.
READ MORE - Unix Signals

Unmatched Toner Cartridge Quality 20% Less Than OEM Price!

For business professionals caught between high OEM price and mediocre print and graphic output, there's a solution: Business Express's Eclipse line of compatible laser toner cartridges that meet or exceed OEM quality for 20% less than typical OEM price. While even brand name OEMs display "This cartridge may contain recycled components" on packaging, only Business Express, a leading U.S.-based toner cartridge remanufacturer, uses all new internal components on its Eclipse line...

For business professionals caught between high OEM price and mediocre print and graphic output, there's a solution: Business Express's Eclipse line of compatible laser toner cartridges that meet or exceed OEM quality for 20% less than typical OEM price. While even brand name OEMs display "This cartridge may contain recycled components" on packaging, only Business Express, a leading U.S.-based toner cartridge remanufacturer, uses all new internal components on its Eclipse line of compatible toner cartridges, and offers a guaranty on the cartridge and printer.

To ensure the blackest blacks and sharpest colors on every print job, the Eclipse OEM-compatible toner cartridges use just premium toner and all new internal components on every remanufactured toner cartridge.

Because this includes a brand new photoelectric drum, primary charge roller, magnetic rollers, wiper and doctor blades, as well as seals and end foams to prevent leaking, each toner cartridge prints at optimum quality to the end of is life cycle. In contrast, lower quality toner cartridges and even some OEM brands may reuse internal components over and over, diminishing print quality and reliability.

Before Business Express ships any Eclipse toner cartridge, rigorous print tests are conducted to ensure quality. This includes a solid page of black and a series of halftones to make certain that text prints crisp and clear. Color tests of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, including full solid prints and gradations, further ensure that up to 256,000 shades of color appear their best for photos, graphs, and other graphics.

"It's untrue that remanufactured toner cartridges can't as good as OEM or will void the warranty," says Business Express owner Dean Gutch. "By law OEMs can't force you to buy their brand any more than a car dealer can force you to buy their oil filter. We're so certain that Eclipse toner cartridges will meet or exceed OEM print quality that we guaranty not only the cartridge but also the printer."

Business Express remanufactures OEM-compatible laser toner cartridges for most major brands including Hewlett Packard, Minolta, Lexmark, and others. In addition to color and black and white toner cartridges, the company offers Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) toner cartridges, suitable by banks to print checks. They also build custom cartridges for those with special needs.

In addition to remanufacturing to satisfy the latest OEM microchip requirements, they ship nationally with next day delivery as well as internationally.
READ MORE - Unmatched Toner Cartridge Quality 20% Less Than OEM Price!

Use MySpace Layouts to add spice

For all those who are members on various social networking websites, they know the meaning of having a page that talks more than just words.

For all those who are members on various social networking websites, they know the meaning of having a page that talks more than just words. If you have seen John’s page, you would notice that he has a background of Michael Jordon or the Chicago bulls. This means that he probably enjoys basket ball or idolizes Michael Jordon. In this manner, you will also want to add some colours to your page. If you were to ask him where he got the background from, he is likely to direct you to MySpace Layouts. The page speaks volume about the person and makes you want to have the same on yours. This is the effect MySpace Layouts will have on the users. The page will be a reflection of their personality and all the colours designs used should be in connection with what they like. So, for that purpose, most of them rely on MySpace Layouts to provide them with what they like. The MySpace Layouts has a million options in backgrounds and colour themes that one can install in their page. It does not need any membership, nor does one need to pay to use these layouts.

While visiting MySpace Layouts, you will see they have neatly organized the various layouts and text options based on the subject. So, it becomes easy for the user to choose the topic they are fond off and from there, they can choose the layout that catches their eye. Myspace layouts allow the users to alter the theme or background images to suit their needs. They can add or remove elements, change the colours or tweak it a bit to fit into their web page. MySpace Layouts cater to people of all age groups and interests making it among the top rated sites today. If not for MySpace Layouts, one would have to get the help of a web designer or someone familiar with creating backgrounds and change the look of their page. This is likely to cost them money which is saved thanks to MySpace Layouts.

MySpace Layouts are also available on some other sites which provide you with similar options. They are equally good since the MySpace Layouts downloads are what is found here. If you were to simply surf through the site you would be astonished at the various colours, styles, and categories available on MySpace Layouts. Simple and easy to use, the MySpace Layouts offers its users a way of making their web page look personalized and unique helping them attract some attention or in making more friends. This is what a simply copy paste from MySpace Layouts can do to you and your life. All you need to do is spend a few minutes of your time in choosing the layout you like and your image will go through a transformation.
READ MORE - Use MySpace Layouts to add spice

Upgrading To Microsoft Windows Vista Tips

The holidays are almost here and a lot of folk want Windows Vista. Here are some tips to help you upgrade. New install will follow next week.

Upgrading To Microsoft Windows Vista Tips

The traditional annual days of giving are at hand. Some people will want to upgrade (if it can be called that) to Windows Vista.
Here are some tips to help keep you out of trouble.
Recommended minimum hardware requirements for Windows Vista
Windows Vista Home Basic
•800-megahertz (MHz) 32-bit (x86) processor or 800-MHz 64-bit (x64) processor
•512 megabytes (MB) of system memory
Note On system configurations that use system memory as graphics memory, at least 448 MB of system memory must be available to the operating system after some memory is allocated for graphics.
•DirectX 9-class graphics card
•32 MB of graphics memory
•20-gigabyte (GB) hard disk that has 15 GB of free hard disk space
•Internal or external DVD drive
•Internet access capability

Audio output capability

Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, and Windows Vista Ultimate

1-gigahertz (GHz) 32-bit (x86) processor or 1-GHz 64-bit (x64) processor
1 GB of system memory
Windows Aero-capable graphics card
Note This includes a DirectX 9-class graphics card that supports the following:
•A WDDM driver
•Pixel Shader 2.0 in hardware
•32 bits per pixel
128 MB of graphics memory (minimum)
40-GB hard disk that has 15 GB of free hard disk space (the 15GB of free space provides room for temporary file storage during the install or upgrade.)
Internal or external DVD drive
Internet access capability
Audio output capability

Note A Windows Aero-capable graphics card is a graphics card that meets the following requirements:
•Supports a Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) driver
•Has a DirectX 9-class graphics processor unit (GPU) that supports Pixel Shader 2.0
•Supports 32 bits per pixel
•Passes the Windows Aero acceptance test in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK)

Operating system requirements to upgrade to Windows Vista

There is a table which outlines the upgrade options mapped to the different Windows Vista editions listed below:

Home Basic
Home Premium

Upgrading from the OS listed below:
Windows XP Professional

Windows XP Home

Windows XP Media Center

Windows XP Tablet PC

Windows XP Professional x64

Windows 2000

You will find much more information at

If you are currently using Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional x64, you are eligible for an upgrade copy to a corresponding or better edition of Windows Vista, but a clean install is required.

Upgrade copies are not available for versions of Windows earlier than Windows 2000. These earlier versions of Windows require you to install a full copy of Windows Vista.

If the edition of Windows Vista that you choose to install will result in a loss of functionality over your current edition of Windows, you will need to do a clean install, or install Windows Vista to a new partition on your PC.

Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Before you begin
Before you run the Upgrade Advisor, be sure to plug in any USB devices or other devices such as printers, external hard drives, or scanners that are regularly used with the PC you're evaluating.

Download Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor

Ready to upgrade? Check out these special offers from Microsoft partners.
The Upgrade Advisor works with 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista. Review the upgrade options available for earlier versions of Windows.

Make sure your computer is ready for the edition of Windows Vista you want.
The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor will help you to determine if your Windows XP-based PC can run Windows Vista. You can also use the Upgrade Advisor to determine if your Windows Vista-based PC is ready for an upgrade to a more powerful edition of Windows Vista.

This small software tool will scan your computer and create an easy-to-understand report of all known system, device, and program compatibility issues, and recommend ways to resolve them. Upgrade Advisor can also help you to choose the edition of Windows Vista that best fits the way you want to use your computer.

Just download, install, and run the Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor.

Please Note:
The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor works with 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Vista, except Windows Vista Enterprise edition. It will not work with other editions of Windows.

The Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor does not collect or send any personal, identifiable data to Microsoft Corporation or third parties.
Upgrade procedure

To upgrade your computer to Windows Vista, follow these steps:
1.Start the computer by using the current operating system. Verify that the Microsoft Windows operating system that is currently installed on the computer is eligible for upgrade to Windows Vista.

2.Insert the Windows Vista DVD in the computer's DVD drive.

3.Use one of the following procedures, as appropriate:

If Windows automatically detects the DVD, the Install now screen appears. Click Install now.

If Windows does not automatically detect the DVD, follow these steps:
a. Click Start, click Run, type Drive:\setup.exe, and then click OK.

Note Drive is the drive letter of the computer's DVD drive.

b. Click Install now.

4.When you reach the Which type of installation to you want? screen, click Upgrade to upgrade the current operating system to Windows Vista.
The Upgrade option is unavailable, and you receive an "Upgrade has been disabled" message

When you try to upgrade to Windows Vista, the Upgrade option is unavailable.

Additionally, you receive the following message:

Upgrade has been disabled
This issue may occur if one of the following conditions is true:
•The operating system that is currently installed on the computer is not supported in the upgrade path to Windows Vista.

•You did not start the computer by using the current operating system. Instead, you started the computer from the Windows Vista DVD. To resolve this issue, start the computer by using the current operating system, and then run the Setup program from the current operating system.

•The operating system is installed to a partition that uses the FAT32 file system. To resolve this issue, convert the file system on the partition to use the NTFS file system. For more information about how to resolve this issue, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base: 307881 ( ) How to convert a FAT16 volume or a FAT32 volume to an NTFS file system in Windows XP

•The partition on which you want to upgrade to Windows Vista has insufficient free hard disk space. To resolve this issue, free additional space on the hard disk.
READ MORE - Upgrading To Microsoft Windows Vista Tips