World News

Gym buddy ipad2

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's mid-February. Did you resolve to get in shape this year -- and are your good intentions starting to fall by the wayside? Don't give up. Gym Buddy is a new iPad app that can help you get back to your workouts and keep them up.No matter the year, one of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to get fit. This is a task that is easier said than done for most people. While many make solid efforts to get fit, they usually fall off track for one reason or another.
One way to avoid falling into this trap is to actually document your workouts and progress. If you are not organized and properly tracking your work at the gym or at home, it will be much easier to quit on the way to your fitness goals. The Gym Buddy app for the iPad can help you reach your goals by giving you a way to record your progress to ensure that you stay focused.

It's important to note that Gym Buddy is not an instructional app. In other words, it will not tell or show you how to properly perform exercises. If you are looking for something like that, consult a personal trainer or look for videos and other reference material on the web. 
Gym Buddy caters more to people that have worked out in the past and have a general idea of how to handle exercise and getting fit. It won't teach you exactly how to work out, but it will help you record your workout. Thus, you may want to gain some fitness experience first, and then think about giving the app a try.
If you are a gym rat that's used to documenting your workouts on a pad and paper, Gym Buddy is a great upgrade and replacement for that. It's also great if you are just getting back on the path to fitness and have to record your daily workouts. The app lets you not only record the workouts, but take a look at your history to track progress (or lack thereof). By seeing a visual presentation of your workouts, you will have an easier time staying motivated as well. 
Among the items you can record in Gym Buddy are the amount of sets, reps, and weight used. You can also record the time. Even if you are not very technical, the app is intuitive and easy to use. Before each workout, you can create a plan in Gym Buddy that lists your goals for each exercise. By having guidelines and goals already set, you can head to the gym, spark up the app, and follow its plan so you don't waste time. Since rest is so important, the app also has countdown timers for your critical resting periods between sets.
Instead of sifting through pages to search for results on a specific exercise, Gym Buddy allows you to get a detailed breakdown of progress in certain exercises and various workouts in hardly any time at all. This is probably the main advantage such an app has over traditional recording methods. It uses the iPad's technology and form factor to give you quick access to what you need.
Other tools in Gym Buddy that are worth noting will help you monitor your body's progress with empirical data. You can see a history of your weight and body fat. You can even keep a record of the supplements you have been taking, and more.
While it's not for everyone, most fitness fans can definitely get some use out of Gym Buddy. It only costs $2.99, and it gives you much more than a regular pad and paper ever could.


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