World News

The Miracles of Cosmetic Dentistry

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cosmetic DentistryThere is no doubt that a shining and sincere smile can make you face look very beautiful without any make-up or cosmetic procedures. However, not every one of us is endowed with proportional, shiny and white teeth, and many people wish to improve aesthetic look of their smiles. Nowadays, cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly developing field of dental medicine. Only a decade ago, we could only dream of aesthetic dental services that would make our teeth look sensational. But now, a great deal of effective dental cosmetic procedures became a daily routine of modern dental professionals. Every day the specialists of cosmetic dentistry provide thousands of people with tooth reshaping, dental bonding, teeth whitening, and other numerous restorative benefits.
Good optical properties of the tissues of healthy teeth, including color of the enamel, richness of the color, opalescence and shining, are the main ingredients of aesthetic appearance of your teeth. But different dental problems and defects can result in denaturalization and loss of these good properties. Also, such factors as problems with digestive system or blood vessels, medication overdoses, etc., can seriously affect a person’s teeth and aesthetic appearance.
Modern dentistry possesses a series of effective methods allowing to achieve significant aesthetic effects even in the most difficult situations! People with huge gaps between their teeth or people with old and damaged dental fillings can have a cosmetic procedure which will result in putting their teeth in almost ideal shape. Besides, new effective methods of teeth whitening can make your teeth as white as snow. Now, a Hollywood smile is available for everyone!
Presently, cosmetic dentistry includes a wide range of procedures:
  • Dental Fillings. This is one of the oldest procedures of cosmetic dentistry, which has already become a common practice for every dental clinic or cabinet. It means filling the cavities of decayed teeth with composite resin materials (like porcelain or special chemical compositions) that have the appearance similar to the one of tooth.
  • Teeth Whitening. This is the procedure of removing various stains, shades and unnatural pigmentation from your teeth by bleaching. Teeth whitening is one of the simplest and most effective cosmetic dentistry procedures that is currently having a great demand.
  • Dental Bonding. The procedure of repairing or restoring the shape of your teeth with the help of dental composite materials. The people who have decaying, cracked or broken teeth, as well as the people with small gaps between their teeth may want to have this procedure.
  • Dental Veneers. This procedure involves placing porcelain or plastic laminates on the front surface of your teeth in order to change shape or color of your teeth. This procedure can be demanded by people with broken or damaged teeth, and also by those who failed to get good results after teeth whitening.
  • Dental Contouring and Reshaping. This is a more complicated treatment which helps to improve the shape of your teeth. In the majority of cases, it includes scanning and evaluation of your teeth, modeling better designs for your teeth followed by sculpturing and reshaping. People with various dental imperfections can use this method of cosmetic dentistry.
  • Gum Lift. This is a procedure of raising and reshaping your gum lines in order to make your teeth look longer, more proportional and symmetrical.
  • Dental Implants. This method means placing artificial titanium tooth roots followed by placing false tooth as a compensation for your missing tooth. This procedure is connected with several risks, but modern dental technologies have already put these risks to minimum.
  • Dental Bridges. This is another method to replace missing teeth, but in this case the false teeth are held between two healthy teeth with the help of special porcelain crowns.
  • Dental Crowns. This method means covering the surface of your teeth with special porcelain, ceramic or metallic crowns. This is a very effective and popular method for people with broken, cracked or worn teeth, and also for the people whose teeth are healthy but have a lack of stability or white color.
  • Dentures. Dentures are removable substitutes for missing teeth. Placing dentures is an essential procedure for the people who lost some of their teeth. There are partial and complete dentures.
Cosmetic dentistry can bring back good health and natural beauty of your teeth. Choose to have one of these procedures and you’ll certainly see that visiting your dentist may not be always connected with anticipation of painful and unpleasant treatment. This time you will leave the clinic with the desire to enjoy those miraculous changes you are going to experience after your aesthetic cosmetic procedure.
READ MORE - The Miracles of Cosmetic Dentistry

¿Como jugar al Backgammon

Thursday, January 14, 2010

El juego de mesa backgammon es uno de los juegos mas antiguos del hombre. Se dice que las primeras variaciones del juego comenzaron en el antiguo Egipto, Area Mesopotámica y Antigua Roma. Desde entonces, el juego ha evolucionado, cambiado de nombre varias veces y dispersado a diferentes partes del mundo. Actualmente es un pasatiempo original alrededor de los Estados Unidos, Asia del Este, Europa y Medio Oriente.

Para comenzar a jugar necesitas a un compañero, dos dados y una tabla de backgammon especial. La tabla esta dividida en dos lados con divisiones numeradas de 1 a 24. Puntos 1 a 6 son la llegada, 7 a 12 la salida. 13 a 18 el punto medio.

Al comienzo del juego, cada jugador tiene dos fichas en el punto 24, 3 fichas en el punto 8, 5 en el punto 13 y 5 en el punto 6. Cada jugador tira los dados y el puntaje mas alto comienza la jugada.

El que comienza mueve las fichas de acuerdo a la posición opuesta de las agujas del reloj, desde su punto de partida para llegar al punto de partido del oponente.

El objetivo del backgammon es mover tus fichas hasta llegar al punto de partida de tu adversario y luego removerlas del tablero. La velocidad del progreso del juego es determinada por los resultados de los dados.

Cada jugador tira dos dados en cada turno, y deber una o dos fichas de acuerdo al número que salio en cada dado. Puede mover una ficha sumando el puntaje de los dos dados, o mover dos. Por ejemplo, si el resultado del dado es 5 y 4, puedes mover una ficha 9 lugares o mover una 5 y luego otra 4 para adelante.

Si los dados salen dobles, un numero dos veces, puedes mover las fichas 4 veces en vez de dos. Es decir, si sale un doble 2, moverás 2 lugares cuatro veces. En ese caso puedes o mover una ficha 8 veces, 2 fichas cuatro lugares, 4 fichas  dos veces o la combinación que elijas que requiera dos lugares 4 veces.

Puedes mover una ficha a un casillero que hay solo una de tu oponente, y así la "comes". Luego, esta ficha es ubicada en la mitad del tablero, llamada el bar.

Tu oponente puede volver a jugar una vez que puedo ubicar a la ficha en algún casillero de su llegada que no este ocupado por mas de una ficha tuya. Por ejemplo, si tira los dados y sale 2 y en ese casillero no hay ninguna ficha o solo una tuya, el puede entrar y seguir sus jugadas. De lo contrario, deberá esperar a su turno y volver a intentarlo.

Una vez ubicadas todas tus fichas en el casillero de llegada de tu oponente, deberás comenzar a removerlas del tablero. Es decir, si tiras los dados y sale 1 y 2 puedes mover una ficha del casillero 1, si sale 2, puedes mover una ficha del casillero 2 y así sucesivamente.

Si tu oponente no ha removido ninguna ficha mientras que tu has removido 15, tu ganas el juego y viceversa. Lo mismo ocurre si tu has removido 15 fichas y el tiene algunas en el medio comidas, (sin aun haber removido ninguna) tu ganas el juego.

El juego es muy entretenido e inteligente que te puede acompañar en muchas ocasiones. Disfrútalo!

READ MORE - ¿Como jugar al Backgammon

Essential PIM

Saturday, January 2, 2010

EssentialPIM ProEssentialPIM Pro is a visual appointment and information manager for a multi-user environment, that allows you to organize your daily, weekly or monthly schedule, assign tasks to other users and more.It includes an address book to manage...
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